
Project can be described through two main key concepts:

1.Development - SSCW's last development plan was for years 2010 - 2013 and can be found at. It was a document created inside the organisation corresponding to the needs of that moment. The functions of the organisation demand more and more and in the current situation there is a need for an inclusive but professional development strategy and it's plan to ensure purposeful development and avoid doing project based work that doesn't have sustainable results. Which is why we wish to brign abouard professional consultation to enable outside evaluation and expertise. As a support measure, INTARNET willl be developed and implemented.
2. Inclusiveness – No organisation can be developed without actively engaging its members. Presently SSCW has more than 120 members. But as SSCW work is entirely project based that up to now it has been very difficult to find resources for activities targeted to SSCW members. It has made all forms of members inclusion more random then it should be. Now is the moment to fully adress that and enable them to have a say in the development of SSCW and offer motivating training opportunities etc to ensure that they will be interested in getting involved in the future as well.